Understanding A Few Things That Can Lead To A Lost Liquor License

If you have recently opened a restaurant and have applied for your liquor license, then you want to do everything in your power to make sure that you can keep your license for the foreseeable future. This means that you need to make sure that you are following the law when it comes to serving alcohol. There are unfortunately a variety of ways that you can lose your liquor license. Keep reading to find out about a few that you may not know about.

Serving In an Unlicensed Space

When you apply for and receive your liquor license, you will be authorized to serve alcohol in a specific area or areas. This area is specified in your application, and a diagram or a description must be included to show the areas where you want to serve alcohol. 

If you have a space where you claimed you would not be serving alcohol and you start serving alcohol in that area, then you can lose your liquor license. For example, if your business is two levels, but you only asked for a license to serve on the first level, then you cannot serve on the second one. This is also true of any patio areas or outdoor seating spaces. Even if you have a license to serve outside, you need to make sure that your patio is enclosed. If individuals decide to take drinks to the sidewalk or another area near your premise that you do not own, then you can get in trouble with the licensing board as well. 

Keep in mind that mistakes happen, and you may also expand at some point. You do have the option of submitting an alteration application. You must wait until you hear from the licensing board about the alteration area before serving alcohol in the space. 

Not Keeping Adequate Records

Sometimes a state licensing board will inspect a property to make sure that individuals are following all of the rules and regulations set forth by the licensing board. At this time, an inspector will likely ask for the records you keep within your establishment. Detailed and up to date records are a requirement when you have a liquor license. 

Your records must show the names or employees and when they worked. Also, alcohol sales must be documented clearly with receipts. 

Along with licensing board inspections, you are obligated to allow police officers onto your premises for inspection. If you do not allow this, then you may face a fine or lose your license. Keep in mind that all areas of your business are subject to inspections, like kitchens and storage areas, not just the areas where patrons are allowed. 

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