3 Circumstances In Which You Can Sue Your Landlord

When you enter into a landlord-tenant relationship with a rental property owner, you never imagine that some conflicts may arise. When the dispute arises, you probably do your best to de-escalate it because you want to co-exist peacefully with them and your neighbors. However, as peace-loving as you might be, there are some situations where all the diplomatic methods you know to handle problems fail.

If a situation threatens your security, your peace of mind, and your property's condition, you are allowed to get legal help for the problem. Here are three circumstances in which you can file a case against your landlord and get legal help.

1. When They Illegally Hold Your Security Deposit

Most landlords will demand that you pay some amount of money as a security deposit before they can allow you to occupy their premises. The security deposit is to cover any damages which you might cause inside the house. At the same time, it can cover any pending rent if you leave without clearing your bills.

However, there are regulations in each state about the legal circumstances under which landlords can sue their tenants. If your landlord has withheld your deposit for a reason other than the legally accepted ones, you are allowed to sue them and get the compensation you deserve.

2. When They Discriminate You After Your Tenant Application

The landlord is allowed to do a background check on all prospective tenants. They do these tests to make sure that you are a law-abiding citizen. They might even run a credit check to ensure you are financially stable and creditworthy before they trust you will pay the agreed rent.

However, the law demands that they ask for your permission to do these checks beforehand. Additionally, they cannot discriminate against you based on your race, religion, sexual orientation, or other flimsy differences. If your landlord gave you an unsatisfactory reason for denying you a tenancy and you suspect they are discriminating against you, you are allowed to sue them.

3. When the Property Is Unlivable

It is the landlord's responsibility to check the conditions inside the rental property and make sure it is livable at all times. If you have complained about mold, water damage, poor plumbing, or an inefficient HVAC system, you can forward the complaint to local authorities.

Ideally, you should consult a competent lawyer before deciding to take your landlord to court. They will look at the circumstances and the evidence and decide whether suing your landlord is the right step to take. The landlord-tenant lawyer will help protect your rights and interests.

To learn more, contact a landlord-tenant lawyer.
