
Do You Rely On Tips For Your Income? Know Your Rights

Jobs that pay partly in tips, like restaurant server jobs, can be great if you work in a place that's busy and where the customers regularly leave generous tips. However, those jobs can also feel a little precarious from time to time. After all, it can be tough to budget if you don't know exactly when you might get a lot of tips and when you might have a slow night. Read More 

3 Estate Planning Tips That Will Make Things Easier For Your Family When You’re Gone

Death isn't something that most people want to think about, but, if you have accumulated a respectable amount of wealth in your lifetime, you owe it to your family to do some estate planning while you're still here. Solid estate planning can help ensure that more of your money goes to the people you want to distribute it to instead of the Internal Revenue Service or creditors. Here are 3 estate planning tips to help you get started. Read More 

Injured By A Faulty Product? 4 Things You Should Do Immediately

large corporations and retailers sell billions of products each year. While most products are safe, a few unsafe products do make it to the shelves. If you happen to get cut, pinched, or otherwise injured by a faulty product, you owe it to yourself and other consumers to bring the problem to the attention of the manufacturer and consumer regulating agencies. If you get severely injured, you may be able to seek monetary damages for your injury. Read More 

3 Tips For Celebrating Big Life Events With Kids After A Divorce

After a divorce, the handling of birthdays and holidays can often lead to conflict if a solid plan is not in place. It can be a difficult time, especially right after a divorce. However, there are some things you can do to ensure that the children have a happy, comfortable celebration: Create A Holiday And Birthday Agreement One of the first things you both need to do once the divorce is final is to put an agreement in place with regard to holidays and birthdays. Read More 

Can You Be Arrested For DUI After Consuming Marijuana?

If you live in one of the states with legalized marijuana use, you may have noticed police officers stepping up their DUI patrols or even setting up checkpoints to look for intoxicated drivers. Because there exists no test that can detect recent marijuana use or marijuana intoxication (only THC residue stored in the body's fat cells), officers must rely only on physical and verbal cues to determine whether an individual is too impaired to drive. Read More