
Getting Divorced? 3 Questions You’ll Have for Your Lawyer

If you are getting started with the process of getting divorced from your spouse, you likely have a lot of legal questions that you are seeking answers to. Here are a few questions on divorce law that you might have. Is Your Lawyer Allowed To Consult With Your Spouse? Be aware that any lawyer that you meet with will not be allowed to consult with your spouse about using them for your divorce. Read More 

Can You Sue Someone For Making You Sick?

If you get sick, then you may wonder if you can sue the person that you think gave the illness to you. You probably feel that you have an easy case proving that person gave you the illness. Actually, the situation may not be so cut-and-dry. The answer to the question about whether you can sue someone for getting you sick is, "it depends." In some specific situations, you may actually have a good case; in others, not so much. Read More 

Hire A Mesothelioma Attorney To Represent You As You Seek Compensation For Your Mesothelioma Claim

Many mesothelioma patients are reluctant to file a lawsuit because they simply don't know what to do. They are not aware that there are guidelines laid down by the government that entitles them to compensation for developing mesothelioma cancer while working on their jobs. Hire a mesothelioma law firm to inform you of your rights in mesothelioma claims court. What You Should Do Once you've decided to file a mesothelioma claim, the first thing you should do is find an experienced mesothelioma courtroom attorney who has successfully represented claimants in the past. Read More 

Did Excess Rural Road Gravel Cause Your Rollover? You May Need A Car Accident Lawyer

Rural roads can be frightening places to drive if the community does not keep them in proper shape. For example, you may flip over your car after the county let excess gravel sit on a road for too long. In this situation, you may need help proving that you have a real lawsuit on your hands. Doing so will require a car accident lawyer.  Many Rollovers Tend to Occur on Rural Roads Read More 

Understanding A Few Facts About Patent Infringement

If you have a product and have gone through the trouble of having it patented, then you may keep an eye on similar products when they pop on the market. And, if you feel that one of these products has violated your patent, then you do have the option of suing the individual for patent infringement. There are a few things you should understand about patent litigation before you contact a lawyer. Read More