
Garnishment When You Don’t Earn Wages

When you are behind on your debt, your creditor may seek a judgment to have your wages garnished. However, if you are self-employed and don't earn a regular wage, that doesn't mean you are off the hook. The employer can still try to get the money out of you by obtaining a non-wage garnishment. This type of garnishment can be particularly burdensome to you as a self-employed person. Here is more information about these garnishments and how they work so that you can be more informed and prepared. Read More 

Can You Use Your Credit Cards Before Filing For Bankruptcy?

If you are thinking about filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and have some credit cards that are not maxed out, you might be wondering if you could use them before you file to buy some things that you really need. While you can continue using your credit cards, there are risks to making too many purchases on them or purchasing the wrong things. Here are several things you should understand about credit card use before filing for bankruptcy. Read More 

Understanding A Few Things That Can Lead To A Lost Liquor License

If you have recently opened a restaurant and have applied for your liquor license, then you want to do everything in your power to make sure that you can keep your license for the foreseeable future. This means that you need to make sure that you are following the law when it comes to serving alcohol. There are unfortunately a variety of ways that you can lose your liquor license. Keep reading to find out about a few that you may not know about. Read More 

Injured On The Job? What You Should Do Next

You work hard just like everybody else to pay the bills and provide a life for your family that maybe your parents couldn't wait for you. And as a worker in the United States, you have the right to work in a safe environment. If you were recently injured on the job, then you may be wondering what on earth you should do to keep your family afloat. If this sounds all too familiar, then this article is for you. Read More 

4 Mistakes To Avoid When Trying To Get Child Custody

One of the most essential things in your life could be getting custody of your child after a divorce. This may not be the most natural thing to do but can make a drastic difference for you. However, keep in mind there are many things that you should do and several you'll want to avoid doing. Being aware of mistakes you shouldn't do when it comes to having your children live with you can be significant. Read More