
Is It Truly A Divorce Emergency? When You Should And Should Not Call Your Family Law Attorney

There's a saying that criminal lawyers defend bad people showing their best behavior, and family law attorneys defend good people showing their worst behavior. There's no doubt that cases involving divorce and custody cut to the heart of vital human relationships and cause emotions to roller coaster. Then the ride gets super nuts with the added risk and fear resulting from arguments over alimony and child support. The most normal, gentle people may begin to panic about the very different ways their future lives may look after a furious legal battle. Read More 

3 Tips To Help You Get Visitation Rights For Your Stepchild

As a step-parent going through a divorce can be extremely difficult when there is a stepchild involved. If you never legally adopted the child, then it will be difficult to get visitation rights, let alone custody over the child. This is done because the interests of the biological parents are put before the interests of any stepparent. However, there are a few tips you can use if you decide to file for visitation rights for your stepchild during a divorce. Read More 

What Happens To Your Credit Following A Divorce?

From the moment you get married, you go from being one person to being two. From credit cards to loans to utility bills, everything you put in your name is also in your spouse's name. The question looming on many couples' minds is: what happens to all the debt in your and your soon-to-be ex's name after the divorce is finalized? The Divorce Decree A divorce decree will be issued by the courts. Read More 

The Importance Of Addressing Service Providers In Your Estate Plan

When you want to have the peace of mind that your estate and assets are distributed appropriately after your death, you should work with an estate planning attorney to coordinate the paperwork required. Estate planning attorneys will help you not only ensure that your family members and other loved ones are addressed as part of your estate plan, but that the service providers you work with are included as well. Here's a look at what you should know about making sure that your service accounts are settled. Read More 

Unfair Competition And Accusations Of Unfair Competition

Unfair competition covers any actions that give an unfair advantage to a business. The problem is, there are a broad spectrum of activities that can fall under this term. You've probably heard of many of the trade laws that fall under unfair competition. False representation False advertising Antitrust violations Trademark infringing Intellectual property violations Many more violations fall under unfair competition. Also, each of these violations fall under their own body of governing law. Read More